Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Twitter Anxiety

So this week I created a twitter account! :) I know....YEAH CHRISTINA!!!  After going through twitter and reading up on the meanings of some of the different terminology I am beginning to think this might take me a bit to get used to.  I'm still not sure on how to use the # correctly but I am going to play around with it and see what happens.  I have been super busy this week with working two jobs and little sleep so maybe over the next couple of days I can find an hour or two to dedicate to just twitter. This way I can try to get a good understanding on how exactly it all works.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.  I usually catch on to new things easily, however this for some reason is not coming as easily as I had hoped it would for me.
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 If you want to follow me and maybe give me some pointers that would be great!!  @carriedawaycs 

1 comment:

  1. I have been using technology in education for a lot of years and to be honest this Twitter craze is new to me too :) I do really enjoy making connections through Twitter!
