Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!!

 First of all I would like to say, Happy Easter!!! Jesus is alive!!!  I have had an interesting weekend to say the least but with the weekend nearly over I realized I have not blogged once this week!! So I thought it best to do so now while I have my thoughts in the front of my mind (it's truly bothersome when I have a thought and then it floats to the back of my head and then I just can't seem to retrieve it). 

Over the past several weeks I have come across several new PLN resources.  One that I recently found this past week is  This site has thousands of lessons, activities, handouts, movies, webinars, and a forum.  I searched google for more information on this site before I signed up and I found nothing but positive remarks about its resourcefulness.  I found a video that sums up what the site is all about. Check it out!  

Once I signed up I was able to log in in and view all of the available resources and webinars.  I was surprised to see there are webinars available with ideas on how to meet different parts of the commoncore standards.  A lot of these are about one hour long and I have not had a chance to sit down and watch one full out yet, but I certainly plan to do so soon.  I recently completed a simile and metaphor unit with my students and I was hoping my students would have had a better understanding of how these enhance the way people read poems and stories. I have been on the lookout for different lessons or activities to do just that and I was able to find a couple of activities that I want to try next time on this site. Here is a link to one of the resources I am going to use next time.  You will have to sign up in order to view the page but it is worth it the couple of minutes of singing up. 

I think having several PLN's available is definitely beneficial. Having just a few sites really limits the resources that you have available at your fingertips.  I keep my list of tools and resources on diigo and my PLN list has grown from 4 sites to 15 just over the past 7 weeks. That's not to say that I access every single site every day.  However, if I check on a couple of sites and I just can't find a lesson or activity for what I am needing then I have plenty of other options to choose from.  I think I will be using this site as one of my top 5 sites to got to for ideas.  Hopefully you will have a few minutes to check it out. If so let me know if you think this is a resourceful site for your needs.  Also if you have any other sites that I have not mentioned throughout my blog, please post a comment letting me know what you use. As you can see I am in the processing of building my PLN and I will take any help I can get. Hope to hear from you soon!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina

    Thanks for sharing this site. I have never heard of it. It seems full of excellent resources!
